New Walt Winston Single On Itunes, and other web providers!

Now you can listen to Walteria Radio and hear
Walt the DJ play music for this month's theme.
The Walteria News Network will have its own website, It's now live!
You can look at the Walteria News Network from this link, below.
The website is online and is now fully functioning. The new website will be a World News website, while the Walteria News, here will be strictly
what happens here at Walteria.
The Walteria News Network, News From The World
Free Christmas Presents For You.... ​
ST. LOUIS - Walteria Records Announces, We will be giving away an EP
for you to enjoy on us! This is our way for saying we are sorry we couldn't
Upload the December version of Walteria Radio, as We've been very busy with our latest venture with The Walteria News Network! This is also our way of saying thank you for your loyalty, and remaining Walterians or basically being fans of Walt Winston or The Waltles! Thank you for 40 Years of loyalty and great memories!
Walt Winston Turns "60" on December 26th!
ST. LOUIS - Walteria Records reports its CEO will
be turning 60 on December 26th, 2024! Walt Day as we call it here at Walteria Arrives faster than planned, but Walt seems to be enjoying getting another year older in stride. Winston had this to say about his upcoming birthday! "With the new website up and running, I'm enjoying the new rush of adrenaline, with the News business, and it reminds me of my days when I was around 25 and being a radio news personality!" "I'm really enjoying life, once again!"

Walteria Records CEO, Walt Winston
Poses For A Picture
As He Turns "60!"
To get to any product just go to the menu on the left , so if you're looking for a Walt Winston album, click on that link on the left then look for the album you're looking for and click on that album cover picture and you're there. Also per Walterian Tradition ever since 1988, and single you wish to purchase, you can feel free to purchase only the singles off of any album that you wish to buy, if you don't want to buy the whole album, you won't have to. You can purchase any single you want, A-La-Carte, as we've allowed our fans or fellow Walterians to do ever since our website first appeared on the internet back in 2000! It's much easier today to do so than ever. Enjoy this website, please. Plenty of music to choose from, recorded fresh from our recording artists!